Sexual Health

Sexual Health

What are STIs?

Sexually transmitted infections are caused by bacteria and viruses, which can be passed from one person to another during sexual contact. If left untreated some of them can cause serious and irreversible damage to your pelvis. This may result in pelvic pain, increase the risk of ectopic pregnancies or make you infertile due to complete blockage of your fallopian tubes. Some of the infections can have widespread effects on vital organs.

To find out more about STI Testing at the Dublin Well Woman Centre, visit our services section and make an appointment.

Who gets sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

Sexually transmitted infections are common. When you have sex with a new partner you could be putting yourself at risk of getting an infection. Unfortunately a lot of infections cause no symptoms so you may not realise that you have a problem for several days, weeks, months or more. Your partner is also unlikely to know that they could be passing an infection on to you. So anyone can be infected from a single sexual contact with an infected person.

Safe Sex

What are the symptoms?

What will happen if I go to a doctor?

Genital Warts


Trichomonas, gardnerella and gonorrhea


HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C


Cervical Smear Tests

STIs in Ireland

Further Resources